
Foodies Follies: on camping.

Three couples embark on a backpacking trip to Mt. Jefferson's Hunts Cove, Oregon. The packs are heavy. To lighten the load, one produces a treat at Lake Pamelia: four Pabst to split and some turkey sandwiches on newly baked bread. The trail holds a copious amount of mud, leading to a swampy campsite, while a surprise surplus of leftover snow proves useful as a meat/cheese/whiskey fridge. The six amigos soon discover a gross error in supplies. There is an excess of food: chili, pancakes, coffee, bacon, pretzels, sausage, jerky, multiple rounds of hot dogs & buns, bagels, granola, candy, a couple of fishing poles, and far too much trail mix, most likely brought by the lesser experienced of the bunch... but don't forget the foodie-centric supplies of freshly picked blueberries and spices, canned oysters, butter, Aardvark sauce, spanish rice, and one giant brick of gouda. There is a lack of alcohol: one bottle of BV, two flasks of bullet, and a bonus jamaican rum. After three days of fly fishing and constant feasting, the group was sadly sober, and had not yet consumed its entirety of delectables.

Camping lessons learned:
a. Secret Aardvark sauce is the most essential camping supply; be sure to pack a full bottle.
b. swamp and snow treading is most effective while barefoot.
c. every hiker is required to carry 1 fifth per camping day of alcohol on his/her person.
d. fish like logs.
e. fish are slimy.
f. fish are not to be trusted with secrets.
g. sleeping bags are meant to be used as blankets.
h. how does it feel to lose the rings on your wedding day? it feels like forgetting smores supplies.

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