
2008 ♥ big Pinot Noir

2008 Subrosa

origin: Pinot Noir > Witness Tree Vineyard > Eola Hills > Willamette Valley > Oregon.

visuals: a deep, romantic, violet-black.

sniffings: violets, fig, dark persimmons, amaretto cherries, sweet bourbon + mossy wood after rain. 

palate: thick amaretto cherry, blue anise, slight slate, pepper spice & pink pea (my guess is a touch of Syrah addition?). Brent ruminates, "you get that '09 sense of cherry cola with a good undercurrent of earth despite all the fruit. It's bright, rich, with a balance so prevalent, one ends up with that juicy, rich, silky, and gliding mouthfeel of 2008."

ruling: some have crowned 2008 the greatest Oregon Pinot vintage yet, and while this wine is quite tasty, I find myself still drawn to light-style, long-aged wines from cooler years in the Willamette. Wish we had another Subrosa for the cellar!

Hey it's been a while!

These past several months have been crazy, but that's not to say we've left our wine passion behind! Here's a bit o' the best + what we've experienced recently: