I neglected to pack a corkscrew on vacation... It could happen to anyone. When faced with the dilemma, we had to get creative in opening a bottle of Château de Vaugelas (from Corbières > Languedoc > France.) Since we'd had a glass the previous night, there was a bit of airspace in the re-corked bottle. After scouring the hotel room for a possible thin, sharp or blunt object, I opted for a tube of mascara. Two minutes of pounding later, the tattered cork floated stubbornly in the bottle, and we finished every last sip before embarking on our first night of celebratory vacationing.
step 1 : you've forgotten your corkscrew! realize your simpleton oversight.
step 2 : stare at the bottle in annoyance.
step 3 : furiously forage around for a tiny hammer-like tool.
step 4 : mascara?
step 5 : hammer the cork in.
pound pound pound. it's not working.
pound pound pound. grrr........
step 6 : success! genius! haha! uncorking a bottle wine with a tube of mascara? they said it couldn't be done. they thought me insane! give yourself a well-deserved high five and a pat on the back.