The Grape is King to all fruits. It satiates our thirst and ails our woes, uplifts our meals and happy occasions, brings us warmth in the winter and relief from summer strokes. It is only appropriate that wine be adorned with jewels.... and by jewels I mean "diamonds," and by diamonds I mean tartrates.

Tartaric acid is present in all wines, acting as a balancing force to pull all the mouthwatering juiciness into one comprehensive, uplifting brightness in the mouth. Formation of sparkly bottle crystals occurs naturally, yet is oft avoided by wine makers, as the mass of consumers tends to prefer clear and particle-free juice. My heart, however, lies with the romanticism of unfiltered natural wines, whose sometimes cloudy and sediment-heavy liquid reminds one of the old days, before excessing fining became the norm.
Learn more about Tartaric Acid.